one of my old chairs fell apart in my art studio.. but I felt his time wasnt over, so with a new look and a whole lot of attitude he will get more booty then ever before!


New piece..

poor swedish fella getting eaten by mongolian-killerworms! R.I.P

SMUTS is soon here btw, stay tuned!


did some text for once.. so fresh for today so you can smell that paint trought your laptop.


made a quick character today, I was on my way to go and have a few beers with my friends but I had to make a stop on the way and satisfy my itch haha

I havent put up much here lately. Im spending alot of time working and the rest of the time in my studio making paintings.. Im currently working on a squid with noodles in the head!

more pics sooooooooooooon


more sun, music and graffiti!

cop drove by like 5 times snapping pictures, I put qute face on and made sure I was really pretty for the camera every single time.



And as usuall my drawings come to life at a wall or on a canvas!

a rugged biker drove past on the road that goes behind the wall and he gave me a friendly nod with his head, he seemed to like it.

Sun gazed and I found myself getting alot of enery which resulted in me panting really fast, so wasnt literally on speed today.

Todays drawing!

the question is, how fast do you go if your skull cracks by the speed and your brain starts to come out?



New painting!

Happy easter, dont get fucked by the bunny!


Teqila, captain morgan, loud punk music, a white wall and a black pen!, thats how the smutts family do it!

Had a little session on my brothers wall again, its all freestyle.. no sketch, no plan.

Didnt quite have time to get finished but its plenty of more nights to come. SKÅL!


Caught in act.

Fucking poser cat.


Working on a new painting!

Its a really big one so this one is going to take time even if Im usually pretty fast.
I am getting closer and closer to an exhibition, I soon have enough paintings that Im satisfied with.

The days here in sweden are getting more suitable for painting outside, I was on my way out a couple of days ago. Of course it was pissing down when I woke up and it have stayed that way since then. First day that sun comes out again I will celebrate with some cold beer and cans at the nearest wall, anyone that feel like joining is welcome to do so!

LUCY FER (new painting)

less hours to do at the job means more time to do other shit, shit like what type of shit you might think?

hitting on a nice woman maybe... naah Im to much of a chicken shit for that.

I am not shitting you when I am telling you Ive been painting a woman.

planning to do a exhibition soon.. dont want to spoil the fun before its on so Im only putting a shitty black and white picture up..



So much in my mind now, feeling very motivated about an idea I have, I have many ideas but many of them die out, but this one feels like it can work and go together with so much I enjoy to do.. Was sitting at my bro´s place today drawing and talking stuff together..
keeping most of the details for myself for now though..

I was telling my bro how I ended up at a house party in thailand with some thai people I got to know there, some gangster punk thai guys was living there together and when they heard I was drawing they asked me to hit up their wall with something, and off corse I did. dont remember the out come but...

My bro wanted me to do something freehand on his wall also, he fell asleep
and I finished the thing on his wall with a marker and left him snoring his guts out haha

Hope he dont regret it tomorrow.


As you may have understood I got a new companion, he doesnt got a name yet though..


todays drawing, also need some fill-in..


Todays drawing, just need some colours!


Barcelona was great, amazing art, arcitecture, design, wheather, absinth bars, sangria, tapas, markets, street musicians, beach, girls.. that fucking city got it all.
off course I had myself a dose of the painting going on in the streets as well,
going back this summer to see a friend and then I will defintely leave a mark myself!
BAARCA!!, those fuckers are crazy when the fotball is on!


Who is going to start up the sticker-War again?
where a spot,theme and date got set and some voting afterwards for choosing the best sticker/streetart..

Its amazing how much time I can waste on little things, I guess its better then watching the new bigbrother show as everyone else..


made a quick one before work, long time ago since I did letters..

my friend wants me to go back to "hiphop style", dont know what he means by that.. guess he want me to keep it real instead of goofing around with my characters.. what do you guys think?


I had an idea about a street art campaign and a movement, I got annoyed by how street art and graffiti get trash talked as something that mess up our streets, but what is it that really pollutes our streets? our whole world acctually. Made a sticker, pretty simpel and clean cuz I wanted people to be able to read it and get the message easy. I acctually never ended up doing it, time will tell.

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